Vision & Values

Our Values

The church leadership have recently reviewed the values that guide how we live together as God's people:

Christ-delighted, Bible-saturated, Spirit-led - We love and delight in Christ, guided primarily by the Bible, led and dependent on the Spirit through prayer.

Welcoming to the newcomer, marginalised and needy - We seek to be a place of welcome to all, and of refuge for those in need.

Disciples seeking to make disciples in the power of the Spirit - We strive to grow as and make disciples in God’s strength. Every member of the body has an important role to play.

Kingdom-building and multiplying - We long for multiplication and the growth of God’s kingdom. We seek to be a blessing to the surrounding community, shedding the light of Christ.

Apostolic and globally Anglican - We hold to the teaching of the apostles as it has been received in the Bible, consistent with the majority of Anglicans across the world. 

Living out gospel culture, healthy relationships and leadership - As a community we seek to be authentic, honest, and transparent; to love one another and our neighbour; to work together in teams. We encourage our leaders to be healthy and godly in God’s strength.


imageEach year our Church Councils set a vision for the churches. Our vision for 2025 is

'To prayerfully live as salt and light in the Anlaby Communities, seeking to continue to develop a culture of invitation and welcome, and to make connections wherever we are able.'

You can listen to our vicar Steve introducing the vision here.

We'd love to connect with you - do get in touch!



We are a Christ-centred community existing to spread a passion for Jesus Christ in the Anlaby Communities and beyond.

We do this through:

Sharing Jesus’s love in Anlaby – we seek to connect with the community, showing God’s love and welcoming people into the life of the church.

Growing disciples –
we want to help each other grow in faith together.

Nurturing leaders –
we seek to help people to grow as leaders of God’s people.

Multiplying passion for Jesus –
We long to start new congregations of faith as we have opportunity, so Jesus’s love can be spread further.